Abstract Guidelines and Submission

A summary of the guidelines is as follows:
  • The abstract language is English
  • The text should be no more than 300 words
  • The abstract must consist of four paragraphs labelled: OBJECTIVE, METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS 
  • The text and the title should be free from abbreviations, except those commonly used. It  should concisely address the problem and the purpose of the study (OBJECTIVE); how the study was performed (METHODS); the main findings with numerical data and statistical significance (RESULTS); and the principal conclusions drawn from the study (CONCLUSIONS)
  • The title of the abstract should be printed in CAPITAL LETTERS; the name(s) of the author(s) should be preceded by the full first name (middle name optional) - omit titles.
  • Since the abstracts will be judged anonymously, the text should not reveal the institutional affiliation
  • Company or product names are not allowed in the title
  • The material should not have been published by the date of submission.
  • Only co-authors are allowed to present the paper
2 types of presentations will be considered: Oral and E-Poster
Abstracts will not be accepted by e-mail or fax. All abstracts should be submitted and posted according to the format and instructions described above no later than August, 31 2024.